Friday, June 10, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's 10:45 am, we've been up since 5:00 am, went to the airport and caught the Mountain Flight for an air tour of the Himalayas.  What a trip!!  They are tula mountains, really big.  They stretch on forever and just keep getting bigger, Everest is certainly the tallest but fits right in with the surrounding landscape.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, we've got a major novel on our hands.  The plane was a Jetstream 41 that seats 30 passengers.  All seats were full except for the one next to Jerry.  On the way out, the mountains were on my side, the left and we were given a printed profile so we could identify the mountains as we passed them.  Little did we know, but Karma had used his influence and we boarded as VIPs and got the best seats on the plane, which happened to be in the last row.  The windows were large and there was no wing obstruction of the view.  Fields and fields of mountains and glaciers passed by until we passed Everest.  The pilot then made a wide turn and headed back to Kathmandu with the big mountains on the right side.  He was so close to them it looked like the wings could touch the peaks.  Awesome.

Oh yes, we also were allowed to go to the cockpit and take pictures of Everest from the pilot's point of view.  Magnificent.  I asked him which mountain was Mount Number and he pointed out the peak just in front of Everest, that explains why we couldn't see Everest from the work site.

I like Nepal more and more.  Being older than the rest has not been an obstacle.  Karma and the other Sherpas have a saying, slowly, slowly.  You can do anything if you give it the time it needs.  Look at the dorms that are being built, they didn't have to be done in a short amount of time and they are coming out so beautiful. (check the Edge of web site)  Jerry and I even made it to the top of the mountain that we weren't sure we were going to start the trek.  Nepal has been such a great learning, growing experience.

Thank you Erin for being there and doing what you do.  Thank you Karma for being such a good ambassador
for Nepal, guide for us and spokesman for The Small World and Edge of 7.

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